In the days of the downfall of Adam and Eve, Satan was also cast out of heaven, one third of the angels left God and sided with Satan on earth.
There they married the women of the earth and had hybrid children, half man, half angel.
Also known as the Son's of God they caused wars between the tribes of the earth.
They also created a world like you see it today a high-tech system of life with very sophisticated weapons.
Wars broke out all over the planet and their lust for sex was beyond anything we have seen today, a regular Sodom and Gomorrah all over the earth, just like you see it beginning in these days.
God was fed up with their wickedness and decided to end his creation on the earth all that had the breath of life. This effectively would remove all the spirits of the fallen angels out of men and women on the earth, even animals they possessed.
When they all where drowning these wicked spirits 'x-son's of God' came out, they then grouped up with Satan this was their last stand for before this they fought a great battle to over throw God and where repelled.
Their battle was the end for them they where rounded up and chained in Hell.
Their children where cast into the Bottomless Pit and when their prison sentence ran out they where set free in the Pit. Than Satan the fallen angel received the key to the bottomless Pit and set them free. He was released earlier, for man needed a God.
Satan, are you not a fire brand plucked out of Hell.
In the 1800s the tech began to escalate into what you see today. No man can create all that we have today, it's a mixture of 'science so called' and sorcery.
As time progresses towards the end of these sinners a world government will be set-up under Satan's Son the Beast. This governing body is the United Nations.
All the countries around the world that have joined this satanic body are called states. Therefore the presidents are not presidents but governors.
The beast is very wise and in his deception is making it look like our American governor is making peace with Israel that he cares but he does not, he is working for the Beast.
He is pretending to be denouncing the United Nations when he is really setting Israel up by making them trust him.
Soon we will see Satan's son make his move, when he starts to make it it seems that he is on-board with this peace for Israel and friendship that does not exist.
By doing this they will be allowed to rebuild Solomon's Temple to God. So that he who is a man will show himself to be God.
The evil spirits that co-exist within the human hosts of Satan and his Son and the false prophet will be sent into all the world to prepare the people that hate Israel to be ready when called upon to invade Israel and kill all the Jews.
This plan is met after it begins with Christs' sudden return and the Beast will find himself facing his worst enemy and nightmare the all powerful Son of God-Jesus Christ.
He the world ruling beast calls out all his resources everyone capable to fight against Jesus and his army to advance against Jesus and they are all gathered in the valley of decision, Armageddon and Jesus will be seated on his throne on mount Megiddo above the valley.
He will try to reason with them to repent but they listen not and begin to fire their weapons at Jesus and his army. Fire comes out of the mouth of Jesus and devours them.
Jesus army slays the remnant and bring the Beast and the False Prophet before the son of God who judges them to be cast into the Lake of Fire.
Satan is brought before him and he judges that he be bound in the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years.
It's by these words all you saints that read them will begin to understand that we will not be forsaken, for the beast who had you killed, those people you will judge like in the days of the Nuremberg trials. You will be in the first resurrection.
You did not and would not receive the mark, number (666, for it's the number of a man not God) or name of the beast, nor would you worship him. Praise God.
Saints, I declare to you this promise, you are safe in Jesus forever.
~God's Scribe Roger 1-2-17 Tu.