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Sunday, May 24, 2015

I Bricked You Up in a Tower of Refuge

I bricked you up in a tower of refuge and you rose up high above all the others that lusted for your bodies and they looked up to you but not to God as they ought to have. So repent and put your eyes on God and the Savior, his Son Jesus who sacrificed him for you.


So this story is for you all...

Your first love you could not take your eyes off her/him and nobody could talk you out of it.
Than one day you said, honey I need to watch that game show and slowly your eyes wondered to the right and to the left. With God it is the same way, you fell in love with him and than you slowly wondered away and what he wanted to teach you, was never received. God is on the compass true north and to him that road is straight and narrow. Jesus holds the lamp on that dark and long road of your life. He accepts you, when you come to him with a child like faith. A child must learn from his dad. You see in our cases we are innocent children, until we grow up. Than we wonder away from our dads great teachings we have become prodigal children. Return to Dad our God, he has riches more than you can imagine. Look into the mirror child, you can not erase those years away only Jesus can.

I Love you God!
I Love You God!
I Love You God!

MY Father, My God I have seen your face and heard your voice and I still worship you.

Give your heart to Jesus pray this prayer...

"Dear Jesus come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, and I will live for you forever."

Now that you have received the Holy Spirit he wants to begin to feed you by teaching you from first grade on up. For you are now a new born. "Born Again"

Although I will live in heaven for many years and although my teachers have taught me many things about God, I will tell you this when asked, what do you know about God and I will say, no more than a mustard seed. Father, you are forever in my heart and I am forever learning about you. I never will put down your book that you teach me from.

Therefore I read the King James Bible daily and I tell you to do the same, three chapters minimum daily. Do not starve your little soul to death, you feed your physical body, it's the the same. To know the invisible things of God are eternal, this physical will not last.
Look into the mirror, I hope you see Jesus there in you.

Love, forgive and praise God in everything, everything!

-God's Scribe Roger