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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

On the Kings Highway

What to expect as years go by and you are continuing to read the minimum of three chapters of the King James Bible daily.

Here is a scenario of events as you read the scriptures...

Jeremiah gave up on God but his thirst brought him back for we children of God love God and cannot live without our father, we long to hear him speak for when he does every doubt, every sad thought disappears.

I praise you Lord God of heaven and earth for in you I have found my happiness and it's forever. I choose good. I have forsaken evil.

God is good and his love for us brought these tears to his eyes, the sacrifice of his son Jesus, all for us.

I want you to live with me forever Roger. ~God

Thank you my father I will not give up on you, I love you God.

-God's Scribe Roger