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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Confession of an Adulteress

I have the marks of an adulteress and I have been forgiven. I was allowed reentry into the Kingdom of God.

I left of my own free will to serve myself with the things of this world, things that were destroying my soul.

My husband came to me, he gently pleaded with me to come home. I succumbed to his love, for the world was a miserable place, it did not satisfy.

O Lord my Jesus, I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I cheated on you. I was a virgin when you called me and you taught me your way.

You clothed me in white and placed on my head a crown of gold with a red ruby. You said it was a drop of your blood that you had shed for me.

You placed it on my head and wrote your name Jesus on it. You put a ring on my finger.

O Lord, when we became one you put your spirit in me to teach me your ways. You took me into your Father's house and introduced him to me, I fainted in his presence.

O Lord, how can I stand here with these marks of an adulterous and ask you to heal me?

NO, I must wear these marks until you return.

They will remind me that I left you to play the harlot, forgive me.

I was glad when they said, "let us go into the house of the Lord." Today I bear fruit, I'm the bride of Jesus.

The Lord has forgiven me and clothed me in his righteousness. I was a harlot but he washed me in his blood.

He clothed me in white and placed a gold crown on my head with a red ruby on it and his name he wrote on it.

He washed my feet with tears. O Lord, I remember your sweet kindnesses and will serve you in patience and keep my sentences short.

Because every word that proceeds out of your mouth brings me to a new understanding, a new closeness that this world has never known.

For your love has brought me to the sacrifice and I to mine. I follow you down that road to Calvary.

Yes, I'm coming home.


The road is long and hard, temptations are always present. What I have learned is that I'm to love and forgive all for I once was a sinner committing all the same vile acts of sin.

-God's Scribe Roger 10-6-16 Th.