My Fasting paid off I asked God where did the coronavirus come from and he kept making me think of Osama bin Laden's words...
"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed," bin Laden said "The U.S. government will lead the American people in and the West in general into an unbearable hell and a choking life."
So from my old disks I found the information. I believe that his people are still doing their best to avenge their people.
Accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden said "the battle has moved to inside America" in the only television interview he's granted since the September 11 attacks
"We will work to continue this battle, God permitting, until victory or until we meet God,"
When asked about U.S. accusations of his "collusion" in the attacks in New York and Washington, bin Laden responded, "America has made many accusations against us and many other Muslims around the world. Its charge that we are carrying out acts of terrorism is unwarranted."
But he then added, "If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists."
The reporter asked him if he was behind the anthrax attacks in the United States that began some weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes.
Bin Laden did not offer a direct response but said, "These diseases are a punishment from God and a response to oppressed mothers' prayers in Lebanon and Palestine."
Later, bin Laden said, "We kill the kings of the infidels, kings of the crusaders and civilian infidels in exchange for those of our children they kill. This is permissible in Islamic law and logically."
The reporter then said, "So what you are saying is that this is a type of reciprocal treatment. They kill our innocents, so we kill their innocents?"
Bin Laden's response: "So we kill their innocents, and I say it is permissible in Islamic law and logic."
During the interview, which was taped in late October bin Laden ridiculed White House concerns that other on-camera statements he has issued since September 11 might carry hidden messages.
"They made hilarious claims. They said that Osama's messages have codes in them to the terrorists. It's as if we were living in the time of mail by carrier pigeon, when there are no phones, no travelers, no Internet, no regular mail, no express mail and no electronic mail. I mean, these are very humorous things. They discount people's intellect," bin Laden said.
Bin Laden cited the Soviet debacle in Afghanistan and the United States' failed 1993 mission in Somalia as examples to suggest a U.S. defeat in Afghanistan was within reach.
"We believe that the defeat of America is possible, with the help of God, and is even easier for us God permitting than the defeat of the Soviet Union was before."
In Somalia, U.S. forces pulled out after 18 U.S. special operations personnel were killed during a raid against a warlord faction in the capital Mogadishu.
"Our brothers with Somali mujahedeen and God's power fought the Americans. God granted them victory. America exited dragging its tails in failure, defeat, and ruin," bin Laden said.
The End of Osama he's burning in Hell.
We will be riding around in autonomous cars, why because it was seen by a brother and I know it will come to pass.
Now you can guess where the coronavirus, aka Covid-19 came from.
I God's Scribe Roger can tell you this, I know that all terrorists like Osama are in Hell burning.
To all, repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
~God's Scribe Roger 4-14-20 Tuesday