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Sunday, January 8, 2017

US and Russian Governments Work For

The US and Russian governments are playing it's people. They take orders from the United Nations. We are member states of the United Nations. The Beast heads up the United Nations. The Beast is the eighth and is of the seven. Count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man.

Therefore to make the United Nations acceptable "their false peace" there will be a nuclear war with Russia and we sheep, "both sides" many of us will suffer and die. The United Nations will broker a peace plan that we will accept, one that requires us to become citizens of the United Nations. UN Social Security cards will be required. You will soon receive a digital SS # placed upon your body somewhere. You now realize there is no more United States.

The Beast takes his orders from Satan and is empowered by Satan. Satan heads up "the U.S. 1-8-17 Sun." all that is evil and is the master of lies. He controls the minds and hearts of the hybrid humans, half man, half angel. Their parents are in Hell suffering. These hybrids are thousands of years old, they have advanced knowledge, the knowledge you see everyday. They are now turning all nations against Israel but first America and Russia and their allies must be destroyed as nations "full mind control" and all rebels that are a threat to them.

Understand this, all the news you hear and read is a lie, the truth is that our governments take their orders from the United Nations and we the people must be brought into submission. One world government under Satan and his son the secretary general of the United Nations, "yesterday, today" until Jesus who comes and will come and over throw these impostors.

God owns this world and has given it to his Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus is my Lord and he will return in the clouds with his army from heaven.

Satan and all hybrids I give you notice, he "Jesus" is in me and he's going to burn you all.

Lord, send the two.

-God's Scribe Roger 1-8-17 Sun.