I was on my knees praying and all of a sudden in a vision I was in the presence of God, there was an angel on each side of me, all I could see was a cloud and a scepter as though in the right hand of him on the throne. Than the scepter was lowered and God said, ask what you will, and out of my mouth I said, "Greater works shall you do" and before I could finish God said, "Granted." This is my hearts desire to do as Jesus said...
John 14:12 King James Version
12 Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do
shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father.
You never know when you're praying what's going to happen, so when you are on your face before God, 'LOVE GOD' for he loved you first.
"I'm with you and I want you to know there is no mountain to high that I can not bring you down, or any valley to low that I can not bring you up."
"It's my will that you serve me with all your hearts and with all that's within you. Be patient it's not long now before my return. It's for you that I have come and my servant Roger will lead the way to the destination I have given him to lead you to."
"Praise God with uplifted hands and worship him from your hearts, cry to him with endless tears, in this I will hear you."
"Lie not on your Jobs, nor present not an evil case against your friends, I'm a just God and will not hear you, if you falsify your neighbors in conversations."
"Pray always with grace in your hearts, for I've given you my grace." "Love your neighbors all of them." Speak not with a reprobate mind." "Carry not yourselves with a high mind." "Fortify yourselves, for the days to come are evil and you will need all your strength to withstand the enemies lies." "I love you and will not repent. "Lastly, consider all your ways, this is my will for your lives." ~Jesus
-God's Scribe Roger