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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cain and Abel

These two brothers where in competition in their zeal to please God as you see the two brothers of faith in competition today, the Muslims and the Jews.

If you look at their religions you will see their similarities. Muslims claim Abraham as their father, these two brothers, Ismael and Isaac are brothers.

Both these groups of people today are on a hit list of Satan for termination. God blessed Isaac and sent Ismael and Hagar on their way but with love gave them a promise of become a great nation.

These two separated but still brothers.

Hate for the Muslims is unfounded, unfounded by all peoples that seek their lives and their land. These words I recall, Life is a free gift from God.

God said to me, "You don't stop a beating heart." I thought to myself the hate I had for someone who caused 9/11 and I took my eyes off of his face and onto his heart and I said, who am I to stop his heart I did not start it, I'm not God. Than I thought to maybe tomorrow he might become a Christian and if I where to stop his heart today he would not.

Muslims are on my radar of love, Jews are on my radar of love. I will not approach a Muslim with hate, I will not approach a Jew with hate, I will love you all says the Lord.

I will testify to you all today that there is a Book of Life and a Lambs Book of Life and I don't pretend to know who's names are written therein. But I know that Jesus knows every name in those books.

Satan the adversary has filled the hearts of the non Christians with fear and hate. His hate is for God and Jesus and to get revenge for losing everything he had, position with the Holy Angels and all his wealth and lands taken from him, for all his sins. This can happen to you if you transgress God's commandments of... 'LOVE and to forgive everyone'.
Because of Satan's loss he is trying to do the same to God's people, to rob them of everything. To make slaves out of everyone. 'See member states'

Jesus path is straight and narrow, it's written. How straight you ask, it's this straight, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES and lay down your life for anyone. It is your reasonable sacrifice. We are not greater than our Lord, therefore to be like him is the law.

Now is the day of salvation, says the Lord Jesus. Now all of you hear me, I have not come to destroy you with words, but I have come to save you with words, it's written.

All I'm asking is that you brothers ask your hearts, to believe in God's pure lamb sacrifice for your sins and by doing so accepting him 'Jesus' as your Lord and Savior, would you do it? God is asking you right now in your hearts, believe that I do have a Son. Accepting Jesus, God's Son makes you a member of the family of God. You become the children of God in Jesus Christ the bridegroom. It's not to hard to google my words.

Oh God, you sent your Son Jesus as our savior to erase our hateful sins, yes, erase them away by Jesus innocent blood forever, those past, present and future.

To embrace him into our hearts to accept him as shepherd of our souls forever.

Than I will say to all of you who do accept God's words, these... "This is my beloved Son, hear you him" Who? 'JESUS' as payment made for you.

Through his Spirit he calls you today. Come home, come home, come back to the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the first begotten Son of God from the dead.

If you will believe in Jesus and live you shall never die and he that is dead and believes in Jesus shall be made alive.

I look forward to your return Jesus, to rule this earth for a thousand years, with all those in the first resurrection and the 144K.

These words are for you that read them.

My prayer is that you never give up on God or Jesus, read three chapters of the King James Bible daily, that tells all.

Now, will you be my brothers, and my sisters?

-God's Scribe Roger