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Friday, December 4, 2020

Machines - Clean Air Act


Machines - Clean Air Act

12-4-20 Friday

Let's get an education. This is their education...

1. Riding in machines
2. Flying in machines
3. Watching a machine
4. Talking on a machine
5.Their jobs are done by machines
6. Their doors are opened by a machine.
7. Their electricity is generated by machines.
8. You are ruled over by machines.

And you think they serve you. This is what you are not seeing.
Horses were replaced by machines.

You will be replaced by machines.They were analog, now digital, gears, now transistors, electricity runs through them. They have no souls. God is a spirit and not a machine. All God created was good, Very Good! 

All that Satan and man creates is evil and will come to a fiery end.

When man is put into a zoo this is what the humanoid robots will say, one says to the other, it's sad to see them behind bars, they are our creators. The other will answer him and say, they are too dangerous to let out.

Do you see now what happens when you play God and make robots?

Clean Air Act

And that is exactly what it is, an act. They want an electric car and they're not asking people if that is what they want.
They have not cleaned up the underground coal mine fires. Their factories are still spewing out poisons into the air and into the water. Houses that burn oil and gas have no catalytic converters. The oceans are being polluted by oil and gas leaks and spills. 

They blame men and animals for breathing. 

Are they mad? LoL! 

I say repent and clean up your hypocrisy and come before God and Jesus with your sins and ask Jesus to forgive you for your lies and murders.

~God's Scribe Roger 12-4-20 Friday