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Monday, April 4, 2016

The Storm

There is the storm 'physical' and than there is THE STORM 'Spiritual'

THE STORM is spiritual to me and you will know you're in it when you are thinking God is evil.

You are in it when you say, God has no Son. You are in it when you think, you hate someone.

You are in it, when you think you don't need to read three chapters of the KING JAMES BIBLE daily.

This is a spiritual warfare. When you continue after the storm with God, 'I Love You God' See! than you-will receive his words that you see me writing here.

God's blessings be upon you you who continue and those who come back. Hunt down the lost and say, Jesus loves you, loves you more than all that you could ever imagine.

Imagine the dove descending and he lights down in your heart and he sings this song to you...

When he comes in he will show you how to live for God.


Oh my children, I want you to know this, whatever kills you, that was your cross, your cross to bear. ~Jesus

-God's Scribe Roger