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Sunday, December 24, 2017

American Jobs are being given to the Communists

True Americans are being put out of work by our false government, a state that answers to the United Nations.

Foreign carpetbaggers are invading America, they are buying up all the businesses and houses.

I have seen many of our jobs go away "outsourced to the communists" [everything now a days is made in China, right?] and the people who did them here are now put out onto the streets. Than they are villainized by their enemies who put them there.

They call them homeless, stigmatizing them to feel worthless. "No one in this country should have ever seen homelessness."

This was a preplanned idea that people within America with power of the money and the UN Beast thinking put into play.

This has been done once before by Adolf Hitler, the forerunner of the beast.

With the influx of the foreign invaders sent here by the UN. we've seen our schools changed, from saying the Lord Jesus Prayer, to the silencing thereof, all because you caved into Satan's children who came here and was pretending to be offended. Their true purpose is to destroy America from within.

The Bible Speaks Of Sorcery

By UN sorcery you have been put into a spell, to make you give up all these things including freedom,the freedom to serve your God and his son Jesus. Your babies are dying in abortion clinics because the spells that are cast onto your minds are so strong you can not see it. You can not see you just murdered your innocent  baby.

If you come to your senses and I pray that you do. I'm asking you to return to the bible, the King James Bible for your freedoms are at stake.

Your freedoms will return if you read three chapters of the KJV of the bible daily.

Backsliders I'm now talking to you, it has been a long time since you thought about Christ Jesus. He wants you back, he loves you. I'm asking you to return and do not fear. Trust in God again, simply pray this prayer, " Dear Jesus come into my heart, forgive my sins and I will live for you forever."

Now Brothers and sisters, be strong and continue to be apart of God's Kingdom. Know that only the Holy Spirit can teach you, this is important to know. No man can teach you he can only tell you what the Holy Spirit has taught him.
By reading the bible from cover to cover you just went through first grade, your certificate is a spiritual crown. It gets harder but your love and trust in God will bring you through.

Jesus is your closest friend in this battle. If you are faithful you will find that you will over come every obstacle.


We will be over thrown by the Beast and will go through the Great Tribulation. Be faithful unto death and receive your crown of life.

I know you are reading this my sister, he Knows all your hard labors and as it's written, "do not cry, you shall be rewarded."

I love you!

-God's Scribe Roger 12-24-17 Sun.