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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do you serve Satan?

Consider your surroundings, are there any Christians? What do these people talk about?

Have you compromised God's teachings and have started to act like the unclean? If this is you, than you are salt that has lost it's flavor. Get you out from amongst them. The Lord will not hold you guiltless, for you have denied the faith and you have denied the Lord Jesus.
I've seen your sins from above, says the Lord, and it will not go well with you, as the Judge stands at the door. You can not serve two masters, you can not serve this world and Jesus. You can not Serve God and Satan. I know you hate God.

Remember his words, "follow me."

That job requires you to lie to people that something is good, when you know it's not. Tell the truth and you will be blessed of God. That's if you ever knew God. But I know you, you have never known God, nor Jesus his Son. You call yourself a priest of God but you are a priest chosen by men. You drink and smoke and you have never given up your sins and you have no intentions  to do so. You are a black sheep in the midst of the congregation of the false prophet, you are his puppet. If you loved God you would tell the truth and you would be sorry for your sins. You are evil and your heart is known by God. I know your heart in the midst of this sinful world, the Holy Spirit speaks in those who love him and he lifts us up above the smoke and the fire that sinners reside in. We that trust in the Lord Jesus and serve him as God has stated, we are lifted up.
You have dirty rags on you, but you think you have the finest clothes money can buy, your jewels are of this earth and they are a witness against you. You have served Satan and he's your lord. He is the deceiver of the fallen angels and fallen man. You are counted worthless salt, for you have lost your Savior. Therefore you are good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.

Picture those who sin and you will see yourself in the midst of them, you and they are one, you and Satan are one, therefore says the Lord, You shall burn, you shall never see redemption for you have denied the faith. You are the one who claims to be Jesus disciple but your light has gone out, you have lost your savior, that is to say, you have lost your flavor.

Evil salt you are.

-God's Scribe Roger