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Sunday, June 26, 2016

God is Timeless

He stands in Heaven looking over his creation. As time passes us it passes him not. He is one, we die he does not but he stood before our birth and he stands after our death. He is one God over all.

To understand this is to look up and as days go by you see him there, the same yesterday, presently and forever God. He is one God!  There is none beside him.

Although we age and die on Earth, God does not. He is over all the days of man.  God is not a God of the past only, present only and future only, God is present at all times. He does not need to consult with himself from the past. He is there, time is nothing to him, as time passes for us it does not for him.

In his own words...

I don't change. ~God

One last thing, I love you. Please remember these words...

 John 3:16 King James Version

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God made a bridge to him to span the great void, he gave his Son Jesus to do this when he sacrificed his life here on earth for our sins. Now choose Jesus and cross over.

-God's Scribe Roger 6-26-16 Sun.