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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Damn Is Breaking

I will add this. I am an American, I love God's America, not man's. Therefore the pledge under God stands. I rebuke Satan and his take over of America. I will retain America in Christ Jesus and in his day receive my reward. In my backyard I have the American flag under the cross on top. I pledge allegiance to the American flag, "I pledge allegiance  to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

The judge standeth before the door. He will judge the sinners who want to strip America of God and his Son.

I am a witness against the sinners who have come to America, who have set up their idols and want to over throw Christianity everywhere. You will come to the judgement and I will be there to testify against all who have sinned against God his son and all the Christians who had to die because of your lies. You sinners I know who you are.

Today, tomorrow and everyday, I rebuke you sinners under Satan.

-God's Scribe Roger