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Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Things of God are Not Taught of Man.

When Satan attacks you what can man do? It's not man's weapons that will prevail against such an attack. This is spiritual warfare. If you hear a saint taking God's name in vain, is it the saint or is he in spiritual warfare?
Do you really understand spiritual warfare? I think not. Your teacher the Holy Spirit always will be the teacher of a true worshiper of God.

As you progress in your studies and growth in Jesus and that is only by reading the King James Bible daily, 'three chapters minimum' you will come under spiritual attacks from time to time, be patient you will come through it, don't give-up.

After reading the bible through the first time you just went through first grade, second, and third. It only gets harder. The devil and his whole spiritual army wants you to hate God so they will use the bible to discredit God, they the spirits of Satan will use everything they have been taught by Satan and the son's of the fallen to destroy you and rob you of your salvation. This will be part of your teachings by the Holy Spirit allowed by God so that you will not fall like the fallen did.

Do you want God? than trust God only. In your studies pray ask God to teach you everyday, all the way. Tell God daily that you love him. "I love you God." I love you God, for you are God, and not man. Man in his costumes, makes him a role player a fake a liar but God sees them in their nakedness and their sins and self righteousness.

Luther the man of God struggled not only with Satan but with fallen man.

About 3:41 into the movie you will see and hear the struggles that Martin had had and every true Christian has...

Martin Luther reformer's famous statement!

Satan wants you to give-up he can speak through your mouth during your temptations so that you will believe you said those things when it was him. Spiritual warfare is from with-in. The kingdom of God is with-in you. Think of a Kingdom of God under siege, Than you will have a picture of what is going on with-in you. Our weapons of warfare are not carnal but spiritual. So put on the whole amour of God. Read the King James Bible and pray your prayers.

Love everyone and forgive everyone and believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Accepting this will give you the victory and you will continue in God's will.

Sinner repent, you know who you're, I would not want to see you in the Lake of Fire. I have warned you.

Saints be strong, do not give up on God. He loves you and continues with you even when you think he's gone. No, God did not leave you, Satan tricked you.

God said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

Love. Beware of the two men of false peace.

-God's Scribe Roger