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Sunday, November 30, 2014

God's Words 24

Man running around all over the world, concurring and being concurred. Making sinful laws, most of which make no sense. Many times when I hear politicians talking and I think he makes all this trash up so that he looks like he's working. Sadly he has not worked a day in his life. He has no love, he has sent our jobs to foreigners, he has allowed illegal workers to come here to take what is left. These illegals pay no taxes, and you wonder why our treasury is broke. You make laws to kill our children and again this is a sin and they place themselves as gods, instead of God. Because of this our people are out of work and you call them homeless, villainizing them in the eyes of others. This is a form of ignorance on the part of those who still have jobs until it's their turn, but than it's to late, isn't? If you would look to God again, you would be spared the coming fury of God's judgements. Stop playing God, sinners. One more point that is hurting us and the politicians do nothing to stop it. That's variable rate interest, it should only be a fixed rated so the monthly payments stay the same. It's when it goes up that these poor deceived people can't make the payments and the fact that the employers are allowed to close-up shop and move his business overseas. People stop allowing this you have the skills reopen all those closed businesses and you can continue to have a job, you will not be called homeless anymore because you are not unemployed.

Today I will sit at my kitchen table and glorify God and Jesus his Son, my Savior and my Lord. I love you Jesus, I love you God. Don't pretend to be a Christian and go to the corporate churches, they get a tax break from the gov. Ever heard of separation of church and state? why than are these two getting comfortable, here? Do you see it, you are being played. Hold your church services in your houses in secret and God will reward you openly. Do you believe me? You it's have been lied to, over and over. Read the Scriptures and compare truth for truth.

Don't stop reading 3 chapters of the King James Bible daily, minimum.  If you do Satan will take you captive again and you like a soldier imprisoned in the enemies jail will be tormented. Call on the Lord Jesus to help you get back to reading the KJB. When you do this, than will you know that I'm telling you the truth.

Trust in God 100%, not politicians, not doctors, not in your science. Think about being on your knees in front of God and being able to say, I trust in you God 100% not 99.9%

I love you.

-God's Scribe Roger